What are happiness clubs?

Peterborough Diocese has worked with Action for Happiness over the last few years, piloting Happiness Clubs in schools. Volunteers from churches have been trained to run these clubs in primary schools. It is a wonderful opportunity for schools and churches to work together to nurture the wellbeing of children.

A happiness club is where children and volunteers from churches explore 10 Keys to Happier Living from Action for Happiness. It is fun, interactive, practical and life affirming.

Watch this short video from Sammy and Charlotte to find out more.

“I have been working with a year 3 cohort of 8 children. I am delighted with how it has been received by the children, when I arrived for my last session, they came running up to me with squeals of “Mrs N… l we’ve been looking forward to this all day”

(Grandma running a happiness club)